The midterm exam will take place as follows:

Saturday, November 9, 2o24, starting at 12:30 PM
Location for Section E (and students attending with this section): MB_1.210

For now, please also take note of the following important information:

  • The exam is a one-hour exam; however:
    • You will need to be there at least 15 minutes before the start time (i.e at 12:15 PM); and
    • Please make sure to free your schedule for 2 hours or so afterwards (i.e. until 2:30 PM).
  • The exam is a closed-book exam.
  • There is no substitution for a missed mid-term exam.
  • Why exam takes place on Saturday or Sunday! (This is due to the class size and classroom availability, or unavailability to be more precise).

***IMPORTANT: Please make sure to have pencils (not pens, and many are better than one!), eraser, an ENCS calculator, and your Concordia ID card.




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